Category 3 animal fats

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Category 3 animal fats are essential raw materials for our pets’ diets. They provide a source of energy and palatability but above all essential fatty acids. Unfortunately, there is increasing pressure due to Category 3 animal fats being used in other sectors such as biofuels.

Protecting Pet Food Ingredients – FEDIAF Flyer

In this flyer, we explain our use of animal by-products, which include Category 3 animal fats and Processed Animal Proteins (PAPs).

Category 3 animal fats – FEDIAF Factsheet

In this factsheet, you can read more about different animal by-products and why Category 3 animal fats are important for the pet food industry.

Category 3 animal fats – FEDIAF’s video explainer

Here you can watch our video, which explains why Category 3 animal fats are a vital ingredient for pet food and should not be used in biofuel.

Category 3 animal fats – FEDIAF’s press releases, articles and position papers

If you visit our news section and position papers, you can find more background information on our communications activities to protect Category 3 animal fats for use in pet food. This includes articles in Politico and Euractiv.

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