Press release
FEDIAF EuropeanPetFood celebrates another year of collaboration in Europe and beyond, inviting sustainability experts to discuss the future of pet food packaging at its Annual Congress
Brussels, 26 June 2023 – Last week, FEDIAF EuropeanPetFood held its Annual Congress and AGM, coinciding with the GAPFA (Global Alliance of Pet Food Associations) Technical Congress and General Assembly. This unique scheduling provided an excellent opportunity for members of both organisations to expand their networks and build important connections.
Attended by around 200 members and guests from both organisations, representing more than 29 associations across the Globe, the event celebrated another productive year of collaboration to support the future of the European pet food industry, which strives to ensure the health and wellbeing of Europe’s 340 million pets.
In addition to sharing the FEDIAF Annual Report and annual Facts & Figures document, the event showcased expert speakers on topics influencing the future of the pet food industry. This year, FEDIAF’s President, Rosa Carbonell and FEDIAF’s Deputy Secretary General, Alice Tempel Costa, welcomed guests and expert speakers on the topics of sustainability and packaging.

FEDIAF members were honoured to be joined by Dr Wolfgang Trunk, Policy Officer at DG ENVI, European Commission. Dr Trunk gave a valuable presentation on the EU Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) proposal and its challenges and opportunities. “An ambitious policy package is indispensable to deliver on the Green Deal objectives, while increasing the economic efficiency in the packaging value chain and possible discharge the consumers”. Caroline Ploux, Mars’ Senior Manager Public Affairs Europe, then discussed the Industry’s position and how it can best prepare for a circular future. The final speaker was Delia Harabula, Sustainability Advocacy Lead EMEA at Amcor, who talked guests through how to navigate the challenges of the Regulation proposal.
Presentations were followed by an excellent Q&A session moderated by Sean Goulding Carroll, a journalist at Euractiv and, as Rosa Carbonell explained: “The debate with Sean was an excellent opportunity for the Pet Food Industry to reflect on the challenges associated with the Packaging and Packaging Waste Proposal. As an Industry, we have united our efforts so that we can provide specific input into the new regulation from a pet food perspective. These are all outlined in our position paper. The debate confirmed the importance of working together to look to the future and ensure that our needs are met.”

Elien Van Stichel, the Secretary General of the Belgium Petfood Association (BEPEFA), who hosted our event, closed the Annual Congress with a presentation that included an excellent summary of BEPEFA’s vision and the importance of standing united behind the wellbeing of pets.
Rosa Carbonell summarised: “ The FEDIAF Annual Congress has been a wonderful conclusion to my first year as President. With a focus on sustainability and the Green transition, I look forward to navigating the challenges and opportunities in my second year of tenure.”