Join virtually the 2022 FEDIAF Congress!
The 2022 FEDIAF Congress celebrates the association’s 50th Anniversary, by showcasing the year’s highlights and revealing the new FEDIAF video explainer. The programme includes a presentation of a research study on “The Future of Pet ownership” to highlight how millennials are overtaking the ageing baby boomers as the biggest pet-owning generation and also a panel discussion involving high-level speakers focusing on the future availability of raw materials.

Annet Palamba has been working at Hill’s Pet Nutrition since 2013 and is Hill’s General Manager for the Benelux business. Since she joined Hill’s she has been active in the pet food trade associations for The Netherlands, Belgium and also at the European level, where she most recently was co-chair of the Communications Working Group and a member of the Executive Committee.

Raquel Izquierdo de Santiago studied law in Salamanca (Spain), where she is originally from and has a Master’s Degree in European Legal Studies from the University of Leeds (United Kingdom). Raquel has extensive working experience in Brussels, with a proven track record in European policy affairs, public relations and association management. In recent years she also followed an Executive Master in International Associations Management (Solvay Brussels School Economics & Management) and Coaching skills training (Leading & Coaching Academy) in Belgium. Since September 2020 she is the Secretary-General of FEDIAF.

Elien Van Stichel has been in the role of BEPEFA Secretary-General since 1st January 2020. Elien obtained her Master’s in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Ghent in 2013 and subsequently worked as a replacement lecturer in the field of agro- and biotechnology, focusing on animal behaviour and animal nutrition. From 2015 to 2017, she worked as a nutritionist at a feed company and in November 2017 she joined the Belgian Feed Association (BFA), which also provides the secretariat for BEPEFA. In addition, Elien was Secretary-General of the Royal Association of Belgian Grinders (KVBM) between 2017 and 2019.

Joeri Van den Bergh is co-Founder, Managing Partner and Future Consumer Expert at InSites Consulting, a global ‘new generation’ research agency with 20 offices worldwide. He has extensive experience in all aspects of branding, marketing and advertising to kids, teens and young adults. He is an awarded global thought leader and marketing author on the impact of Millennials and Generation Z on marketing and business and on consumer trends and futurism.

Alberto D’Avino is a policy officer in DG Trade, in the unit “Agriculture, Food and Sanitary and Phytosanitary matters”, holding this role since October 2019. He follows multilateral and bilateral agricultural issues, notably in relation with Australia, Japan, China, Latin America and the United Kingdom, including the negotiation and implementation of regional and bilateral trade agreements for agricultural market access. Moreover, he contributes to sectorial trade policy analysis in the agricultural sector, in particular for livestock products.

Laura Buffet directs the energy campaigns of T&E and focuses on making European fuels policy more sustainable, moving away from oil towards better advanced alternatives, especially renewable electricity, and phasing out the support for land-based biofuels. Laura joined T&E in April 2013 after two years working as a parliamentary assistant in the European Parliament. She has worked extensively on campaigns around the Renewable Energy Directive and the Fuel Quality Directive, as well as the EU delegated act that labelled palm oil diesel unsustainable.

Christophe Carlier graduated from Lyon Veterinary School in 1997. After 3 years in Vietnam working for a French pharmaceutical company he joined Royal Canin in 2000. He has spent his first 20 years in various global functions such as Scientific Communication and has led Public & Regulatory Affairs for the group before joining Procurement team. He is now in charge of Suppliers Quality Assurance since 2020. Christophe is also the President of French petfood Trade Association, FACCO, since 2015, and active member of FEDIAF since 2008 where he now acts as vice-president.